Facial Rejuvenation is not your ordinary facial... it has something extra! Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can reduce the signs of aging naturally. This ancient technique can improve muscle tone of the face and neck, tighten pores, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, stimulate your bodies natural collagen production, stimulate blood flow, and increase elasticity of the skin. Underlying imbalances are also addressed to give you a holistic treatment!
A typical treatment includes (1) acupuncture of the face, neck and body, (2) facial masque, (3) neck and facial massage including gua sha and jade roller, and (4) application of special organic facial cream and eye cream. Every treatment also includes aromatherapy. Chinese Herbal supplements may be prescribed to maximize results (price of herbs not included in the cost of a Facial Rejuvenation treatment session).
Try this natural approach to skincare! You will look and feel more vibrant and healthy!